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3/3/21 05:00 PM

Game Updates

Event Overview: Empires of the Ascended

Update: This article originally incorrectly displayed the Jackal Cackle Emote as a Free Event reward, and the Prismatic Buried Sun Disc was shown as a Premium reward. We’re updating the article to display the correct information, apologies for the confusion!

Empires of the Ascended launches today along with an Event Pass that drops you straight into the heat of Shurima. Until March 31 at 11:00 AM PT. Earn Sun Discs to advance you through each level of the Event Pass, collecting new Shurima-themed Guardians, Emotes, Card Backs, Prismatics, and more.

Sun Discs can be earned in two distinct ways: wins and Quests. Prove your fealty to Shurima through your victories! For your first win of the day, you’ll be rewarded with 2 Sun Discs. Sun Discs will only be granted for PvP wins, not for wins against friends (or against AI). Friend Challenge and AI wins still count towards each Quest, but Friend Challenges in Labs will not be counted. Each Quest takes you on a different journey through the new additions in Empires of the Ascended, and completing one Quest will unlock the next in a chain. Complete them all to earn an emperor’s bounty of Sun Discs! Additionally, weekly Epic Quest chains will unlock as the event progresses, giving even more chances at raking in the Sun Discs! The first Epic Quest chain is available today, with new ones arriving every week, up to the final Epic Quest chain on 3/24.

Completing this Event Pass will take a similar amount of time to the K/DA event. However, if you find that time is running short before you can complete the Event Pass, not to worry. New to the Empires of the Ascended Event, you can now use Coins to purchase additional levels.


A Premium Event Pass is available in the Store for 975 Coins. Purchasing the Event Pass will immediately unlock the treasure-hunting Fen Guardian, and grants access to Premium rewards.

Purchase the Premium Event Pass during the first two weeks of the event, and you’ll get access to the Shuriman Expedition Quest, which grants an additional 10 Sun Discs, as well as a Rare Prismatic Chest.

Get a look at everything the Empires of the Ascended Event Pass has to offer in the chart below!


Shurima’s rise is just beginning. Collect as many Sun Discs as you can for the glory of the empire until the event ends on March 31 at 11:00AM PT!

  • Whatacoolwitch

    Player Support Writer

  • Whatacoolwitch is definitely a writer and probably a real witch.